How to - What to wear for Engagement / Portrait Sessions


What am I going to Wear?

You need to choose your clothing carefully.  Remember how you feel when you look back at photos of yourself in High School?  Or - how you feel when you see those photos of how Mum dressed you and your sister in the same clothes, but different colours?  Errrrrrr...., right?

Because fashion is constant and ever evolving, these few tips might help you out...

  • Jeans are timeless.  Even the flares of the '70s still look kinda cool.
  • Always...  ALWAYS...  avoid bold patterns/prints or wording on shirts and t-shirts.  They make the person wearing them the focus of the photograph and anyone else fades into the background.
  • Darker colours are more flattering.  I don't mean just black but both of you (or all of you for a family shoot) choose a colour and then stay in a similar tonal range.  i.e. something that matches but don't be too "matchy" (if that makes sense)
  • Very IMPORTANT!  Loose fitting clothes make even the smallest person look bigger than they actually are.  This doesn't mean you need to wear something uncomfortable (or a corset) - just make sure it fits well and isn't too flowing.
  • Try your clothes on before the shoot and make sure you're comfortable (I know we just mentioned that - I'm just reinforcing it)
  • Comfortable shoes for the outdoors are a must!  
  • Bring different clothes for a different look.  It's nice to have a few variations

And!  If this is your Engagement Session - why not book your Hair & Makeup trial for the shoot?  Kill two birds with one stone and you'll be guaranteed to look and feel great.

I hope this takes some confusion out of choosing the perfect outfit, but if you have any questions - post in the comments below!

I'd love to hear from you

Stay beautiful!!

Kristen xxxx
