Personal - Amber's Yr 10 Formal - 2015

Date | 13.11.2015

Location |  Muswellbrook, NSW

Event |  Muswellbrook High School, Year 10 Formal

This had been a particularly difficult year for this amazing girl.  For as long as I've known her (and that's a long time), she's taken things in her stride with a beautiful smile on her face.

Amber managed to get through Year 10, despite having a family that was being torn apart by cancer.

Watching both her parents fighting the most difficult fight anyone can face.  Her courageous Mum not backing down, pulling out all the stops.  Her elder sister researching, fighting, supporting them all, despite having to be in a different town but not letting that distance be a hindrance.

But sadly, her beautiful Father, the rock that laid the foundation of the Collard-Hunt family lost his life to that horrific disease.  Rest in Peace, Mick - you beautiful soul...

I believe he was there with us that day...  watching his baby girl transition into the next chapter of her life...  just like he did months before...

Amber Lynn Collard...  you're a credit to your Mum and Dad...  you're most loved by all around you who know you and adore you...  and I, most of all...  adore you....
