Personal - Birthday Musings - 2015 - Part 2

Further to my birthday musings...  I wanted to share a beautiful weekend away that was a belated birthday gift from my husband.  He loves surprises and loves surprising me.  His gifts are usually deep in meaning and orchestrated with love.

I was brought up with a love for the ballet.  My Grandmother, who was a big part of my life, used to tell me the story of Swan Lake and my eldest, beautiful Aunt was a Ballerina - who danced for Queen Elizabeth when she visited New Zealand back in the 1950's.  My Mother was a dancer, as well...  but didn't want me to go down the dance path.  I also was a little "un-co" anyway...  but later in life (with the love and encouragement of one of my dearest friends) became a Bellydancer (and I love being part of that Tribe)

So knowing ALL of that...  my delightful husband bought tickets to the Russian Ballet's performace of Swan Lake at the Civic Theatre in Newcastle, and my heart sang with true joy...  it has made me feel close to my beautiful Nana (who turned 101 in August)....  I love you Nana...  I love you Aunty Pat

Here's some high-lights of my Swan Lake weekend.

We arrived at the Lucky Hotel on Friday afternoon (I had no idea where I was going - as I said, he loves surprises)...  and for those who don't know him, my husband is an avid model builder of WW2 tanks (he's actually really amazing at how life-like he makes them...  but I'll cover that in another post)...  well.....  The Lucky Hotel is across the road, no really, RIGHT across the road from his favourite model shop!!  So he led me to believe that's where we were going...!!!

But, thankfully...

When we explored the Hotel - the decor blew our minds....

Steve decided it was time to check out the menu...  maybe have a drink?

That night...  we had dinner in the Courtyard...  it was AWESOME!!!

What I loved, as a photographer, was how The Lucky has embraced the photographs of Newcastle, NSW from a bygone era...  what I love most is that (hopefully) my images will document a "past"...  that I'm already photographing history!!

We finished off with a nightcap on the Balcony overlooking the Nightlife of Newcastle (and Steve's beloved Model Shop)

The following morning we were up early and had breakfast with Jesse at Honey Cafe in Hunter Street Mall...  seriously...  Guys!!  Breakfast to die for!!!

We walked off breakfast - spending time on the Foreshore, in the amazing spring sunshine...  bliss....

In summary, this was a wonderful way to spend a birthday weekend.  Topped off my breakfast the following day at the Newcastle Farmers Market finished it off nicely.

I love my life :)
